Virtual Counseling -Frequently Asked Questions

What is it?

Virtual Counseling is a service offered by the Counseling Assistants (CAs) of the College of Letters and Science (L&S). We are graduate students who are trained to advise undergraduates on questions about L&S policies and deadlines, program planning, choosing a major, and preparing for graduate school.

Who Should Use VC?

VC counselors are trained in the policies and procedures of the College of L&S. As academic policies vary, sometimes significantly, from school to school, the Virtual Counseling chat room is an advising resource best employed by UCLA students in the College of L&S.

If you are a student in another UCLA school or college (the School of Engineering, Arts & Architecture, or Theater, Film & Television, for example), and you think virtual counseling would be a useful addition to your school's counseling services, we encourage you to contact your undergraduate advising unit.

When to Use Virtual Counseling

Drop by the chat room when you have general questions about academic policies. For example, if you want to know…
  • How to add extra units to your study list
  • When to drop an impacted course
  • Where to find a listing of courses that satisfy a GE requirement
We are also happy to answer general questions about major and minor requirements as well as graduate and professional schools. Please remember, however, that the CAs who host the chat room (and their respective areas of specialization) vary from shift to shift. Consequently, you may not always be able to chat with a counselor who is an "expert" in your field of interest.

When Not to Use VC

Virtual counseling is not a substitute for meeting one-on-one with your college advisor. VC counselors do not have easy access to student records while online, and we have limited time to spend with each visitor. Consequently, we are not the appropriate resource if you want detailed responses to questions about program planning or specific information about STD and probation contracts or the status of petitions.

We don't have the authority or the expertise to answer questions about non-academic issues such as financial aid, student housing, computer support, or student health services. Whenever possible, however, we will try to provide you with the referral information for campus departments and resources outside L&S.

Some Tips for Using Virtual Counseling


We encourage you to choose a "nickname" before entering our chat room so that you don't become just another "MyNickName" in a pack of "MyNickNames."

Help us to keep track of your questions by choosing an alias that will allow you to preserve your anonymity and avoid the risk of receiving an answer intended for one of the several other "MyNickNames" in the chat room at the same time.

Chat room Decorum

We try to greet each of our visitors as they enter the chat room, but it's not always possible. If you see that there are already several students in the room, but no one is "chatting" on the main screen, it's safe to assume that the VC counselors are helping other students in private chat rooms (see below). Please be patient, your turn will come.

The "Private" Chat

If you feel uncomfortable seeking advice in an open (albeit anonymous) forum, or if you are getting lost in the crowd on a day when the chat room is packed with other visitors (i.e. you've entered the chat room and no counselor has responded to your greeting after several minutes), you can try private chatting with a Counselor- it's easy:
  1. Highlight the Counselor's name (click on it), and then type your message on the general text line at the bottom of your screen.
  2. The text you typed will then appear in a different color on the screen in the "main" chat room preceded by a notation informing you that you are now "whispering" to a Counselor.
  3. When the Counselor responds to your message, the private chat room will appear on your screen as a separate box.