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Summer Sessions - Enroll in courses on 2/1


Jan 27
Grad Re-Orientation - CPT/OPT Workshop for Grad Students(10AM - 12PM) Graduate Student Resource Center
Do you want to know more about off-campus employment authorizations available for F-1 students? The session will be presented by Dashew Center, join the session for more specific information. Location: Conference Room A & B (3rd Floor) - Strathmore Building
Presented by Emily Ann Ostlander, Ph.D. Student, University of California, Los Angeles, hosted by the Early Modern Research Group. A drawing in ink and blue wash from a series of table-top creations known as the "Trionfi da Tavola" presents viewers with a design for a fantastic ewer. The series of drawings for table centerpieces was made for the Florentine court of Ferdinando II de’ Medici (1610–70) during a period of heightened experimentation in the luxury arts. This work-in-progress session situates the drawings from the "Trionfi" in the history of early modern designs for ewers. It then explores how they were vehicles for transmitting ideas about bodies and materials in seventeenth-century Florence. Location:
Grad Re-Orientation - Commuter Resources Open House(12PM - 1:30PM) Graduate Student Resource Center
Join the Commuter Hub at the John Wooden Center (2nd Floor) for an open house to ask questions and get additional commuter resources as a graduate student! Location: Strathmore 106
Process with RISE: LA Fires(1PM - 5PM) Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE) Center
Feeling overwhelmed and need a space to process loss or uncertainty? RISE is offering extended drop-in hours, art activities, and a space to decompress. Whether you want to reflect quietly, engage in meaningful conversations, or simply sit with your thoughts, these sessions are here for YOU. Location: RISE Center at Lu Valle Commons Basement Level
URC Sciences presents Getting into Research(3PM - 4PM) Undergraduate Research Center - Sciences
This workshop introduces students to research in the sciences, how to find a faculty research mentor, and opportunities for student researchers after joining a lab. Download a copy of our slide deck and learn more about our workshops on our website.
URC Sciences presents Getting into Research(3PM - 4PM) Undergraduate Research Center – Sciences
This workshop introduces students to research in the sciences, how to find a faculty research mentor, and opportunities for student researchers after joining a lab. Download a copy of our slide deck and learn more about our workshops on our website. Location:
Colors and Connection(4PM - 5PM) Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE) Center
Feeling lonely? Come join RISE for a free, one-hour workshop from Project UnLonely that bridges creative expression with meaningful connection- building! Location: RISE Center at Lu Valle Commons Basement Level
Drafting Strong Personal Statements for Scholarships(5PM - 6PM) Center for Scholarships & Scholar Enrichment
The personal statement can be an intimidating part of any scholarship application! In this workshop, you’ll learn brainstorming and writing techniques that can help focus and hone your writing skills for well-written scholarship statements and essays. Enrollment closes at 10:50am on the day of the workshop. Enrolled participants can access the Zoom link for this workshop in Academics -> Advising and Academic Services -> Workshops: PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER FOR REMINDER EMAILS. At the beginning of the workshop, you must provide your UID number to verify your status as a UCLA student who is on the Workshop Roster. CSSE workshops are protected intellectual property and recording is not allowed.
Tent and Sleep System Setup(5PM - 6PM) Recreation and Wellbeing
Come practice setting up 2-4 person tents, complete with installing the rainfly and understanding how to effectively use stakes in a multitude of environments. Location: Northwestern Corner of JWC
Jan 28
Bruin MindFit Winter 2025Recreation and Wellbeing
Jan. 28 - Feb. 18, 12:00 - 1:00 pm Bruin MindFit is a 4-week virtual mindful movement and meditation course that teaches several effective stress-management tools. Practice meditation, breathing (pranayama), basic yoga movement, relaxation, walking, and everyday mindfulness. Location:
UCLA's Student Affairs and Division of Graduate Education are pleased to reintroduce the various student support teams to highlight the services each office offers to all graduate students. The Student Affairs Case Management team provides comprehensive support in academic, wellness, financial, and health matters. Meanwhile, DGE's Academic Case Management offers in-depth assistance with academic concerns and interpersonal conflicts by navigating academic policies, procedures, and other campus resources. We frequently collaborate with the Center for Accessible Education (CAE) to leverage their expertise and resources to support students with diverse needs. We hope that through this session, students will become more aware of the different services available at UCLA to help them successfully complete their final milestones. Location: Conference Room 1-3 - Student Activities Center
Grad Re-Orientation - FELSS Open House(10:30AM - 11:30AM) Graduate Student Resource Center
The Financial Education Loan and Support Services (FELSS) will introduce students to the Strathmore 106 space, which provides financial advising, short-term loans, and debt management counseling in a welcoming setting with comfortable couches, places to charge devices, snacks, drinks, toiletries, and other basics anytime, free! Location: Room 106, Strathmore Building
Reflect with RISE(11AM - 12PM) Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE) Center
Come to the RISE Center for a moment of stillness. Grab a cup of tea, meeting community members, and practice mindfulness, spirituality, thoughtfulness, and stillness. Location: RISE Center Lu Valle Commons Basement Level
Grad Re-Orientation - Career Planning for Hum & SoSci Grad Students(12:30PM - 2PM) Graduate Student Resource Center
UCLA Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences graduate students successfully pursue a wide array of careers - in and beyond academia - upon graduation. Yet identifying appealing careers and ways to develop the skills necessary to successfully compete for these jobs can feel confusing. In this workshop, we’ll talk about how to undertake career exploration and skills development as an intentional part of your doctoral training and share career services that can help you identify and prepare for your career post-graduate school. Location: Conference Room A & B (3rd Floor) - Strathmore Building
Grad Re-Orientation - Career Planning for STEM Grad Students(12:30PM - 2:30PM) Graduate Student Resource Center
UCLA STEM graduate students successfully pursue a wide array of careers - in and beyond academia - upon graduation. Yet identifying appealing careers and ways to develop the skills necessary to successfully compete for these jobs can feel confusing. In this workshop, we’ll talk about how to undertake career exploration and skills development as an intentional part of your doctoral training and share career services that can help you identify and prepare for your career post-graduate school. Location: Room 200 (2nd Floor) - Strathmore Building
Are you working on writing a review article but aren't sure how to begin organizing your analysis? This workshop will cover step by step how to synthesize your selected evidence and start preparing your manuscript for a health sciences literature review. This workshop will be offered via Zoom. If you're registered, you'll receive the Zoom invitation information the day of the workshop.
The Marschak talk scheduled for January 28 has been postponed due to the fires in Los Angeles.  A new date for the program will be coordinated and announced when possible. Thank you for your understanding and please stay safe. Presented by the UCLA Library and the Jacob Marschak Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Mathematics in the Behavioral Sciences Speaker: Charles Kurzman, professor of sociology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Why are citizens of some countries so much richer, on average, than citizens of other countries? Citizenship itself may be one of the key explanations. At the same time as new methods of extraction and productivity have generated vast wealth over the last two centuries, countries have hoarded this wealth by discriminating against non-citizens, limiting political rights and economic claims and reshaping inequality on a global scale. This talk is offered both in person and online. Light refreshments will be served. Location: Charles E. Young Research Library (YRL)
Career Center Pop-Ins(1PM - 3PM) Bruin Resource Center
15 minute Pop-In Sessions available in person at SwD! Sessions can cover resume/cover letter development and review, help with job/internship search, or interview preparation. Location: Bruin Resource Center
Process with RISE: LA Fires(1PM - 5PM) Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE) Center
Feeling overwhelmed and need a space to process loss or uncertainty? RISE is offering extended drop-in hours, art activities, and a space to decompress. Whether you want to reflect quietly, engage in meaningful conversations, or simply sit with your thoughts, these sessions are here for YOU. Location: RISE Center at Lu Valle Commons Basement Level
Movement and Meditation at RISE(1:15PM - 2PM) Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE) Center
Take some time to relax, stretch, and breathe through movement and meditation (for FREE). Location: RISE Center at Lu Valle Commons Basement Level
Virtual FAFSA/CADAA Workshop(2PM - 4PM) Financial Aid and Scholarships
Join us for a FREE Virtual workshop to receive tips and tricks on how to complete your 2025-2026 FAFSA/CADAA! Meeting ID: 991 2012 4597 Passcode: 473596 Location:
Grad Re-Orientation - CAPS Intro to Therapy & Wellness Skill Groups(3PM - 4:01PM) Graduate Student Resource Center
Join this event to explore CAPS therapy groups and CAPS Wellness Skill Groups (WSG)! Learn about how each type of group functions and how they can support you as you navigate the final phase of your degree program. Also, discover how to sign up for the group that is right for you! Location: Conference Room A & B (3rd Floor) - Strathmore Building
Grad Re-Orientation - RISE Workshop for Grad Students(4:30PM - 6:30PM) Graduate Student Resource Center
The RISE Center's core mission is to uplift and support every Bruin’s well-being by providing education, resources, and tools to foster health, healing, and hope. As an extension of UCLA Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS), we help students build resilience and care for their mental wellness through daily practice. Through today's session, we hope that students can learn more about some of our intentional programming and a restorative on-campus space, offering accessible, supportive, and inclusive peer-oriented environments. All services are free and include workshops, trainings, drop-in consultations, and self-directed resources, available both in the RISE Center and in collaboration with campus partners. Location: Conference Room A & B (3rd Floor) - Strathmore Building
Meet Up @ JWC(5PM - 8PM) Recreation and Wellbeing
Stop by to hang out, re-connect, de-stress, and move together at the JWC! Activities include free attendance in GroupX classes, drop-in Sound Bath sessions, chat with student organizations and clubs, and participate in giveaways and raffles. Location: John Wooden Center
Jan 29
The Hammer's curatorial department leads free, insightful, short discussions about artists every Wednesday at 12:30 p.m. This talk on Vincent van Gogh is led by Luce Curatorial Fellow Kelin Michael. Location: hammer museum
Presenter: Marilyn Gray, Graduate Writing Center Director Description: In this workshop, we will discuss how to set up an organized system for a large-scale research and writing project, especially the writing components. Location:
EndNote can be a useful tool when conducting systematic reviews, but it can be complicated. This session will help you understand how EndNote can (and cannot) help! This workshop will be offered via Zoom. If you're registered, you'll receive the Zoom invitation information the day of the workshop.
Process with RISE: LA Fires(1PM - 5PM) Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE) Center
Feeling overwhelmed and need a space to process loss or uncertainty? RISE is offering extended drop-in hours, art activities, and a space to decompress. Whether you want to reflect quietly, engage in meaningful conversations, or simply sit with your thoughts, these sessions are here for YOU. Location: RISE Center at Lu Valle Commons Basement Level
OPT Webinars (for F-1 Visa Students)(2PM - 3PM) Dashew Center for International Students and Scholars
UCLA F-1 visa students, do you want to know more about off-campus employment authorization? Join us on one of our weekly OPT webinars hosted by the Dashew Center staff to learn more! Upcoming Date: January 29 Time: 2 - 3pm (Pacific Time) Location:
Attend a book talk and reception! Care without Pathology examines the transnational emergence of trans health as an institutionalizing field and public good. It argues that the field of trans health can be characterized as a struggle between paternalistic and pathologizing modes of care, on the one hand, and the notion of “care without pathology” on the other. The book suggests that trans health movements—alongside reproductive justice, disability justice, and others—have mobilized care without pathology to transform health politics. Drawing on ethnographic and document-based data centered in New York City and Buenos Aires, Care without Pathology examines how activists and care providers across the Americas work to change the protocols, governing logics, and distributive arguments underpinning trans health as a field. It follows activists and providers as they grapple with diagnoses, economic accessibility, population health, austerity politics, racialized politics of care and debt, colonial regimes of knowledge, and depathologizing demands. Care without Pathology argues that trans health is far from being an exceptional or unusual form of health care. Rather, its constitutive debates are at the heart of broader contemporary transformations related to biomedicine and health politics writ large. About the author: Christoph Hanssmann is an Assistant Professor of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies at the University of California, Davis. Location: CSWIStreisand Center Office 1500 Public Affairs
Grad Re-Orientation - Mentoring Up for Grad Students(3:30PM - 4:30PM) Graduate Student Resource Center
Aligned expectations serve as the foundation of any productive mentoring relationship. This workshop will discuss strategies for "mentoring up" by discussing how to align expectations with your advisor and/or PI, and also discuss the importance of setting up a "mentoring network." Location:
Books and Bonding at RISE(4PM - 5PM) Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE) Center
Join the RISE Center for Books and Bonding every Wednesday. Out low-key, low effort book club will be starting again next Wednesday, 1/22 at 4pm. RISE will be providing the books and there will be no assigned readings, so please stop by if you are interested. Location: RISE Center at Lu Valle Commons Basement Level
Backcountry Weather Forecasting and Safety(5PM - 6PM) Recreation and Wellbeing
Learn how to prepare for various weather topics including lightning, preventing heat exhaustion, rain, cold, flash floods, and wildfires while backpacking. Location: Northwestern Corner of JWC
Presenter: Marilyn Gray, Graduate Writing Center Director Description: In this workshop, we will discuss effective strategies for time management, goal setting, and productivity when conducting large-scale research and writing projects, especially for the writing components. Location:
BFIT Triathlon(6PM - 7:30PM) Recreation and Wellbeing
Participants can compete in running, biking, and rowing to win a FREE t-shirt! Location: BFIT Synergy Zone
Chicanx/Latinx LLC: Noche de Cultura 2025(7PM - 9:30PM) Residential Life
¡Celebremos Juntos! Join us for Noche de Cultura on Wednesday, January 29th, from 7-9 PM at Sunset Village Plaza! We're bringing you LIVE norteño music, delicious hispanic food, and vibrant performances as we celebrate Latinx culture! Don't miss out on the energy and vibrant culture-bring your friends, and let's celebrate together! Location: Sunset Village Plaza & Stage
Jan 30
Bruin MindFit Winter 2025Recreation and Wellbeing
Jan. 30 - Feb. 20, 12:00 - 1:00 pm Bruin MindFit is a 4-week virtual mindful movement and meditation course that teaches several effective stress-management tools. Practice meditation, breathing (pranayama), basic yoga movement, relaxation, walking, and everyday mindfulness. Location:
Virtual SwD Support Group(11:30AM - 1PM) Bruin Resource Center
Join us for our Virtual SwD Support Group facilitated by CAPS Be in community, connect, & lock in to your support system here at UCLA See you there! Location:
Grad Re-Orientation - Networking 101 for Graduate Students(12:30PM - 2:30PM) Graduate Student Resource Center
Opportunities to network in person can be both exciting and intimidating. In this workshop, participants will learn elements of a strong first impression, practice introducing themselves to others, practice making conversation in groups, and develop strategies to follow up after events to keep the conversation going and professional relationships growing. Location: Room 200 (2nd Floor) - Strathmore Building
Becoming a Reflective Educator Workshop(1PM - 2PM) Teaching and Learning Center
Join the Graduate Student and Postdoctoral Scholar Engagement team for a workshop about practicing reflection to improve your teaching. We’ll discuss the importance of reflection and metacognition in professional development; how a teaching journal can help you track your growth as an educator; and ways to gather and engage with student feedback throughout the quarter. Participants will come away with an action plan that makes incorporating reflective practices efficient and effective–even with limited time–as well as a checklist of professional development goals. #GraduateProfessional #TAs #Postdocs Location: Powell 186
Virtual FAFSA/CADAA Workshop(2PM - 4PM) Financial Aid and Scholarships
Join us for a FREE Virtual workshop to receive tips and tricks on how to complete your 2025-2026 FAFSA/CADAA! Meeting ID: 991 2012 4597 Passcode: 473596 Location:
The Art & Science of Enrollment(4PM - 5PM) AAP (Academic Advancement Program)
Learn to be strategic when choosing courses. Get a head start on your SPRING class planning. Come work with counselors to prepare for your future enrollment passes. Come to a 1-hour workshop to explore the various tools available to you for enrollment. Leave with a saved Class Planner study plan. Run a DARS beforehand and bring a laptop.
Collecting and Citing Sources(4PM - 4:50PM) Library
Co-sponsored by the UCLA Library, the Undergraduate Writing Center and the Undergraduate Research Center–Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. Learn about citation practices and avoiding plagiarism, how to auto-generate your bibliography, keep track of your sources and more! Join us for this workshop with library instructors to learn about citing your sources. This event will be offered both in person and over Zoom. If you would like to attend this workshop in person, the event will be held in Powell Library Classroom C, Room 320C. Location: Powell Library Classroom C, Room 320C -
Secrets to Winning College Cash Part 2(5PM - 5:45PM) Center for Scholarships & Scholar Enrichment
Designed as a follow-up to Secrets to Winning College Cash Part 1, this workshop walks participants through the strategic process of conducting routine online searches for scholarships. Participants who wish to enroll in this workshop must attend Secrets to Winning College Cash 1 prior to this Workshop Date. Enrollment closes at 10:50am PT on the day of the workshop. Enrolled participants can access the Zoom link for this workshop in Academics -> Advising and Academic Services -> Workshops: PLEASE CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER FOR REMINDER EMAILS. At the beginning of the workshop, you must provide your UID number to verify your status as a UCLA student who is on the Workshop Roster. CSSE workshops are protected intellectual property and recording is not allowed.
Jan 31
Fourth Week DeadlineAcademic Calendar
Process with RISE: LA Fires(1PM - 5PM) Resilience In Your Student Experience (RISE) Center
Feeling overwhelmed and need a space to process loss or uncertainty? RISE is offering extended drop-in hours, art activities, and a space to decompress. Whether you want to reflect quietly, engage in meaningful conversations, or simply sit with your thoughts, these sessions are here for YOU. Location: RISE Center at Lu Valle Commons Basement Level
Virtual FAFSA/CADAA Workshop(3PM - 5PM) Financial Aid and Scholarships
Join us for a FREE Virtual workshop to receive tips and tricks on how to complete your 2025-2026 FAFSA/CADAA! Meeting ID: 991 2012 4597 Passcode: 473596 Location:
FAB - ACA Lunar New Year Festival(7PM - 9:30PM) Residential Life
Lunar New Year Festival will involve engaging, educational cultural activities that teach attendees about traditional crafts, activities or games (many of which are relevant to the holiday itself). Additionally, it will include Chinese performances such as singing, dancing, and the traditional Lion Dance. Location: Covel Grand Horizon
Admission is free. No advance reservations. Your seat will be assigned to you when you pick up your ticket at the box office. Seats are assigned on a first come, first served basis. The box office opens one hour before the event. Barres France, 1983 Human ingenuity and perseverance are on full display in Luc Moullet’s cheeky look at the imaginative ways average Parisians have devised to get over, under and around the ticket barriers at metro stations. DCP, color, in French with English subtitles, 15 min. Director: Luc Moullet. Screenwriter: Luc Moullet. With: Jean Abeillé, René Gilson, Jean-Pierre Bonneau. Up and Down Parpaillon, France, 1992 New digital restoration! A loving, slapstick sendup of the French passion for cycling that doubles as an ode to 19th century French symbolist poet Alfred Jarry, Luc Moullet’s Up and Down (Parpaillon) may be the most French thing ever. A mountain road rally up the Parpaillon pass in the French Alps is the simple line on which Moullet hangs a series of gags broad and obscure (depending how versed you are, for example, in the inner tube vs. clincher debate) that have the cumulative effect of slow-release laughing gas. DCP, color, in French with English subtitles, 93 min. Director: Luc Moullet. Screenwriter: Luc Moullet. With: Brigitte Canaan, Rémy Henri, Claude Melki. Shipwrecked on Route D 17 Les Naufragés de la D17, France, 2001 High in the French Alps during the opening days of the Iraq War, an astronomer grows jealous of his assistant’s relationship with a shepherd, a veteran race car driver sends his new co-pilot for help after getting stranded at the side of the road, and a squad of confused French soldiers patrol the mountainside for Iraqi invaders. These are just a few of the coterie of characters who stumble across and around each other in Luc Moullet’s thin air satire of just about everything. DCP, b&w, in French with English subtitles, 81 min. Director: Luc Moullet. Screenwriter: Luc Moullet. With: Patrick Bouchitey, Iliana Lolic, Sabine Haudepin. Location: Billy Wilder Theater
Feb 1
Admission is free. No advance reservations. Your seat will be assigned to you when you pick up your ticket at the box office. Seats are assigned on a first come, first served basis. The box office opens one hour before the event. Essai d'ouverture France, 1988 Luc Moullet comically explodes the trivial frustration of consumer packaging into a full-tilt critique of capitalism as a man (Moullet himself) struggles to open a bottle of Coca-Cola. DCP, color, in French with English subtitles, 15 min. Director: Luc Moullet. Screenwriter: Luc Moullet. With: Luc Moullet, Richard Copans, Françoise Buraux. Death’s Glamour Le Prestige de la mort, France, 2005 After failing to raise funds for his latest film, an obscure filmmaker (Luc Moullet, as himself in an outrageous toupee and fake beard) takes solace in location scouting only to discover a corpse on the hiking trail. Quickly swapping identities with the deceased, he hopes his death will arouse interest in his work — and maybe a sale of his catalog to French television. His plan goes horribly wrong when an actually famous director dies and he’s arrested for his own murder. A wry reworking of Cecil B. DeMille’s The Whispering Chorus (1918), Moullet’s satire of fame, ego and artistic legacy abounds with movie references and cinephilic in-jokes. DCP, color, in French with English subtitles, 75 min. Director: Luc Moullet. Screenwriter: Luc Moullet. With: Luc Moullet, Antonietta Pizzorno, Claire Bouanich. Les Sièges de l'Alcazar France, 1989 The legendary feud between French film journals Cahiers du Cinéma and Positif is the object of Luc Moullet’s droll satire — along with cinephilia itself. Cahiers critic Guy Moscardo (Olivier Maltinti) happily extols the virtues of his favorite theater, the Alcazar, until Jeanne (Elizabeth Moreau), a Positif critic, turns up during a Vittorio Cottafavi retrospective and he’s faced with a double bill of rivalry and potential romance. Incidents and episodes in and around the theater — uncomfortable seats, skipped reels and passionate auteurist quibbles — will bring a tear of recognition to art house denizens. DCP, color, in French with English subtitles, 57 min. Director: Luc Moullet. Screenwriter: Luc Moullet. With: Olivier Maltinti, Jacqueline Moreau, Sabine Haudepin. Location: Billy Wilder Theater
Feb 3
Our Botany Brown Bag lecture series is continued by Joey Di Liberto and Suu Zhou, who will give a talk entitled “Changing Behavior in Changing Cities: Shifting Trends in Urban Bird Behavior Across Seasons and Cityscapes” on Monday, February 3 at 12pm. As cities expand, more and more animals have been forced to adapt to the environmental challenges within cities. Learn how birds like juncos may be coping by changing important ecological attributes of their life history, such as their behavior. Make sure to bring your walking shoes and your lunch! Location: La Kretz Garden Pavilion
In-Person FAFSA/CADAA Workshop(12PM - 2PM) Financial Aid and Scholarships
Join us for a FREE in-person workshop to receive tips and tricks on how to complete your 2025-2026 FAFSA/CADAA! The Center @ Strathmore 555 Westwood Plaza Strathmore Building, Room 106 Los Angeles, CA 90095 Location: 555 Westwood Plaza Strathmore Building, Room 106