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MyUCLA Features

Below is a comprehensive list of MyUCLA features. Click on a feature name to view additional details such as a direct link to send users to that specific feature.

AcademicsAcademic Profile Declare Candidacy Term Indicate degree candidacy term you expect to graduate
AcademicsAcademic Profile Declare Non-Attendance Indicate if you wish not to attend UCLA for the specified term
AcademicsAcademic Profile Degree Progress/Audit Report Review your progress in order to obtain a degree at UCLA
AcademicsAcademic Profile Diploma Request Request your diploma or order a replacement
AcademicsAcademic Profile Grade Report Lists classes with grades per term
AcademicsAcademic Profile Holds Lists holds posted by specific offices which limit service and access
AcademicsAcademic Profile Registration Status Reflects payment status, withdrawal status, registration type, etc.
AcademicsAdvising and Academic Services Appointments View your academic counseling appointments
AcademicsAdvising and Academic Services Peer Learning View and sign-up for peer learning sessions
AcademicsAdvising and Academic Services Petitions View details and status of academic petitions
AcademicsAdvising and Academic Services Virtual Counseling Get online counseling either live (virtual counseling) or via e-mail
AcademicsAdvising and Academic Services Workshops View and sign-up for workshops ranging from academic difficulty to career counseling
AcademicsGraduation Commencement - Student Order Commencement tickets; verify how your name will appear in the College Commencement Program
AcademicsHonors Honors Access personalized information about your status in College Honors
AcademicsInternational Student Services Post-Arrival Visa Check-in Submit Post-Arrival Visa Check-in
AcademicsInternational Student Services Pre-Arrival Visa Request Submit Pre-Arrival Visa Requests
AcademicsResearch Undergraduate Research Portal Find/Post Research Opportunities
Campus LifeBasic Needs Resources Bruin Bites Bruin Bites
Campus LifeCalendar Calendar Create, view, manage an online calendar
Campus LifeCalendar Event Reservations Make reservations for events
Campus LifeCalendar My Events Search student events database
Campus LifeCivic Engagement U.S. Voter Registration US Voter Registration
Campus LifeHealth and Safety Cybersecurity Awareness Training - Video Modules watch cybersecurity videos
Campus LifeSocial Groups Provides relevant info regarding your MyUCLA Group
Campus LifeSocial Mobile Menu Access mobile-optimized features
Campus LifeSocial Personal Messages Send messages to or from other users
Campus LifeStudent Organizations Fund Requests Apply For Funds
Campus LifeStudent Organizations Student Organizations Student Organizations
Campus LifeSurveys and Notices Election Vote via an electronic ballot
Campus LifeSurveys and Notices Notices View personalized campus announcements
Campus LifeSurveys and Notices Survey Complete surveys and various online applications
ClassesClass Resources Class Messages view the archive of emails sent to a class
ClassesClass Resources Class Notes Needed Lists classes that need note takers
ClassesClass Resources Classmates Release your MyUCLA Profile to members of your class
ClassesClass Resources Evaluation of Instruction Links to instructor evaluations
ClassesClass Resources Library Reserves View the library reserves for your classes
ClassesClass Resources Study List Includes class websites, meeting times/finals, classmates, gradebook, textbooks
ClassesEnrollment Actions Change Grade Type Change grade type of class in your study list
ClassesEnrollment Actions Change Units Change units of class in your study list
ClassesEnrollment Actions Drop a Class Drop class from your study list
ClassesEnrollment Actions Exchange a Class or Section Exchange a class or section in your study list
ClassesEnrollment Actions Move from Waitlist Use a permission to enroll (PTE) # to move from the waitlist to enrolled
ClassesGrades and Transcripts Exam and Homework Grades View intra-term grades and final grades submitted from gradebook
ClassesGrades and Transcripts Expected Cumulative Progress (ECP) Track your expected cumulative progress from quarter to quarter
ClassesGrades and Transcripts Final Grades and GPA View official final grades, term units and GPA
ClassesGrades and Transcripts GPA Calculator Calculate your projected quarterly and cumulative gpa
ClassesGrades and Transcripts Suggested Features Home
ClassesGrades and Transcripts Transcript - Official Order academic and verification transcripts
ClassesGrades and Transcripts Transcript - Student Copy (Unofficial) View/print student copy transcript (unofficial)
ClassesPlan and Enroll Class Planner Create class plans prior to enrollment; share plans with your counselors
ClassesPlan and Enroll Contract Courses Generate a contract for a Contract Course; view status of completed contracts
ClassesPlan and Enroll Enrollment Appointments Indicates when you can access all enrollment options, particularly enrolling in classes
ClassesPlan and Enroll Enrollment Home Features recommended for enrollment; includes enrollment related tutorials
ClassesPlan and Enroll Find a Class and Enroll Search for classes and enroll from search results or add to class planner
FacultyClass Instruction Bruin Learn – TA Sites Bruin Learn – TA Sites
FacultyClass Instruction Class Roster View/download your student roster
FacultyClass Instruction Class Weekly Grid View a grid of your weekly schedule
FacultyClass Instruction Classes Lists classes you are associated with and access to class-associated features
FacultyClass Instruction Email to Class E-mail message to students enrolled in your class
FacultyClass Instruction Evaluation of Instruction Reports View evaluation reports
FacultyClass Instruction Gradebook View, store, calculate and submit final grades
FacultyClass Instruction Letter Manager View, edit, submit letters of recommendation
FacultyClass Instruction PTE Assignments Assign PTE numbers to students
FacultyClass Instruction Photo Roster View/download your student roster with photos
FacultyCommencement Commencement - Faculty RSVP for all Commencement-related ceremonies and order regalia
Finances and JobsBruinBill BruinBill Charges and payments associated with registration, housing and transportation, as well as other serv
Finances and JobsBruinBill BruinBill – Contractor/Non-Student/Geffen Academy View and make payment for a Contractor/Vendor BruinBill
Finances and JobsBruinBill Tax Information View any scholarship, fellowship, or grant funds received
Finances and JobsFellowships and Grants Global Citizens Fellowship Apply for the Global Citizens Fellowship
Finances and JobsFellowships and Grants IAC Graduate and Predoctoral Fellowship Apply for IAC Graduate/Predoctoral Fellowship
Finances and JobsFellowships and Grants IAC Research Grants Apply for IAC Research Grants
Finances and JobsFinancial Aid and Scholarships AAP Scholarship Apply for the AAP scholarships
Finances and JobsFinancial Aid and Scholarships Awards and Notices Overview of financial aid awards and notices
Finances and JobsFinancial Aid and Scholarships Disbursement Summary Summary status of financial aid disbursed
Finances and JobsFinancial Aid and Scholarships Satisfactory Academic Progress Check if your eligibilty is coming to an end or you are not satisfying academic progress to receive
Finances and JobsFinancial Aid and Scholarships Scholarship Home Consolidated list of scholarship resources for UCLA students.
Finances and JobsFinancial Aid and Scholarships Summer Financial Aid Applications Apply for Summer Financial Aid
Finances and JobsFinancial Aid and Scholarships Summer Financial Aid Calculator Summer Financial Aid Calculator
Finances and JobsFinancial Aid and Scholarships Undergraduate Financial Aid Scholarships
Finances and JobsFinancial Aid and Scholarships View All Documents Track require documents needed for financial aid
Finances and JobsJobs and Community Community Service Create, view, maintain community service requests
Finances and JobsJobs and Community Community Service Manager Manage community service reviewers, events, requests
Finances and JobsJobs and Community Hiring Manager Hiring Manager
Finances and JobsJobs and Community Internship Search Search the Center for Community Learning's internship database
Finances and JobsJobs and Community Work Study Job Search
Message CenterHelp Message Center Message Center
New StudentsAdmissions Admissions Home Lists UCLA's undergraduate offer of admission
New StudentsAdmissions Admissions Home Lists UCLA's offer of admission
New StudentsAdmissions New Student Orientation Submit educational planners, collect/confirm reservations, view ROI, contact your orientation counse
New StudentsAdmissions Summer Programs View/Submit applications for AAP Summer Programs
New StudentsHonors Honors Application Personalized information about eligibility and application status, if any
Other Student ServicesClasses and Exams Textbooks - Instructor View list of textbooks
Other Student ServicesClasses and Exams Textbooks - Student View list of textbooks
Other Student ServicesLibrary Library Reserves View the library reserves for your classes
Other Student ServicesPersonal Services MyUCLA Status Displays any special notices during maintenance periods
Other Student ServicesStudent Support Student Services Directory List of students services
SettingsSettings Classmates Profile Edit your personal profile that you want to share with classmates
SettingsSettings Emergency Contact Manage next-of-kin/contact in case of emergency
SettingsSettings Feature Options Set home page and my "favorite" features
SettingsSettings Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Provide/update your gender identity and sexual orientation
SettingsSettings Lived and Legal Names Manage Lived and Legal Names
SettingsSettings MyUCLA Features Complete list of all MyUCLA features
SettingsSettings MyUCLA Tutorials Review growing list of MyUCLA feature tutorials
SettingsSettings Official Email/Address/Phone Manage all your addresses, phone numbers, and official e-mail
SettingsSettings Privacy Options Manage how your public information is shared
SettingsSettings Pronouns Manage Pronouns
SettingsSettings Race/Ethnicity Info Define Race/Ethnicity and manage Race/Ethnicity based mailing
SettingsSettings Social Security/Individual Taxpayer ID Provide your SSN/ITIN
SettingsSettings Third Party Access Manage who is Authorized third party to view your record
Staff Fraternity and Sorority Life Fraternity and Sorority Life Management Fraternity and Sorority Life Management
StaffApplicants Fellowships/Scholarships/Grants View IAC applications
StaffBusiness and Finance Services Business and Finance Manager Business and Finance Manager
StaffCampus-wide Business Intelligence System Dashboard
StaffCampus-wide Event Kiosk Management Event Kiosk
StaffCampus-wide Forms Access Management Forms Access Management
StaffCampus-wide Forms Management Forms Management
StaffCampus-wide Group Management Group Management
StaffCampus-wide Message Center Management Message Center Management
StaffCampus-wide Workflow Management Manage requests on the workflow system
StaffCampus-wide Workflow System Admin Portal Workflow System Admin Portal
StaffCareer Center Career Center Subscription Management Manage Career Services Subscription
StaffCommunity Programs Office Bruin Bites Management Bruin Bites Management
StaffCommunity Programs Office Test Bank Management Test Bank Management
StaffCommunity Service Community Service Manager Manage community service reviewers, events, requests
StaffCounseling and Psychological Services Community Provider Community Provider
StaffCounseling and Psychological Services Community Provider Manager Community Provider Manager
StaffCounselors Center for Community College Partnership (CCCP) Desktop Administrative tool for cccp staff
StaffCounselors Counselor Desktop Counseling tool for staff
StaffCounselors Peer Learning Manager Manage community service reviewers, events, requests
StaffCourse Planner Course Planner Report View course planner totals
StaffDCISS International Student & Scholar Management Manage international student and scholar requests
StaffDean of Students ECRT Case and Voucher Management Manage ECRT Cases and Vouchers
StaffDean of Students Financial Wellness Case Management Manage Financial Wellness cases
StaffDebt Management Services Receivables Management Manage referrals and payments for receivables
StaffDebt Management Services Referral/Balance Reduction Management Manage referrals and balance updates for campus departments
StaffDegree Audit Degree Audit Batch Request Degree Audit Batch Request System
StaffDegree Audit Degree Audit System Management Degree Audit System Management
StaffEvaluation of Instruction Evaluation of Instruction Manager Evaluation of Instruction Manager
StaffFund Management Student Organization Fund Management Fund Management
StaffGroups Event Reservations Administrator Create and manage Group subscriptions
StaffGroups Event Reservations Manager Manage your Group's homepage (post notices, add events to the Group calendar and add Group Managers)
StaffOrientation and Summer AAP Summer Programs Desktop Administrative tool for Summer Programs
StaffOrientation and Summer Bruin to Bruin Access the phone calling script
StaffOrientation and Summer Bruin to Bruin Reservations Schedule reservation phone calling shifts
StaffOrientation and Summer New Student Record of Interview (ROI) Counseling tool for Orientation Counselors
StaffOrientation and Summer Orientation Desktop Administrative tool for Orientation
StaffParent and Family Programs Parent and Family Contact Log Manager Parent and Family Contact Log Manager
StaffPayroll and Timesheet Payroll Report View payroll information for employees within the College
StaffRecreation Recreation Activity Class Management Activity Class
StaffRecreation Recreation Summer Camp Management Summer Camp Check-in/Check-out
StaffRegistrar's Office Cross Campus Enrollment Management Manage CCES intake and outtake queues for enrollment, student information, and grades
StaffRegistrar's Office Diploma Request Manager Manage diploma requests
StaffRegistrar's Office Preferred Name Management Management of requests for preferred names
StaffRegistrar's Office Save Classes Save Classes from being dropped
StaffRegistrar's Office Student Fee Management and Publishing Manage and publish student 's annual fees and term fees
StaffRegistrar's Office Transcript Order Management Allows Registrar's Office to maintain and oversee transcript orders
StaffRegistrar's Office Veterans Benefit Manage student's veterans benefit information
StaffStudent Affairs Student Affairs Project List SAIT Project Dashboard
StaffStudent Organizations, Leadership and Engagement Student Organizations Management Student Organizations Management
StaffTools Class Links Maintain class urls
StaffTools Commencement Administrator View/modify student ticket orders, place faculty RSVP and regalia orders, view/distribute tickets
StaffTools Evaluation of Instruction Administrator Load classes and manage surveys
StaffTools Tutorials Administrator Maintain tutorials materials
StaffUIT Help GE Syllabus Request Email Generator Request syllabi from instructors of ge courses
StaffUIT Help UIT Help Desk Tool UIT Reference Tool
StaffUtility DT Batch Manager view status of dt batch jobs
StaffUtility DT User Data Viewer view the user data
StaffVeteran Resource Center Veteran Resource Center Contact System Manager Veteran Resource Center Contact System Manager
StaffWork General Education (GE) Management Maintain GE archive
Third PartyAcademic Degree Progress/Audit Report Authorized third party access to Degree Progress/Audit Report
Third PartyAcademic Final Grades and GPA Authorized third party access to Final Grades and GPA
Third PartyAcademic Grade Report Authorized third party access to Grade Report
Third PartyAcademic Holds Authorized third party access to Holds
Third PartyAcademic Registration Information Authorized third party access to Registration Information
Third PartyAcademic Registration Status Authorized third party access to Registration Status
Third PartyAcademic Study List Authorized third party access to Study List
Third PartyFinancial Awards and Disbursement Summary Authorized third party access to Awards and Disbursement Summary
Third PartyFinancial BruinBill Authorized third party access to BruinBill
Third PartyFinancial BruinBill Payment Authorized third party access to BruinBill Payment
Third PartyFinancial BruinBill Payment With Reminder Authorized third party access to BruinBill Payment With Reminder
Third PartyFinancial BruinCard Information Authorized third party access to BruinCard Information
Third PartyFinancial Financial Aid Information Authorized third party access to Financial Aid Information
Third PartyFinancial Tax Information Authorized third party access to Tax Information
Third PartyFinancial View All Documents Authorized third party access to Tracking Required Documents
Third PartyHousing Housing Information Authorized third party access to Housing Information
Third PartyPersonal Address Information Authorized third party access to Address Information
TrainingsTrainings Trainings Find Required and Optional Trainings